Friday, August 21, 2009

Frozen Sandwiches Sabbatical. And Contest! By Jemina.

GASP! Frozen Sandwiches on SABBATICAL?!
Never fear, readers. Joy and I will be taking a short break to focus on personal projects near and dear to our hearts (and hopefully, wallets), so we've devised a clever way to keep you entertained for the next few weeks!
Contest: Ever read some of our stories and, while laughing hysterically, experience a flashback of your own to earlier days of pre-pubescent horror? Since we have now moved up from tens of fans to dozens, we're sure there's a Frozen Sandwich-like story of your own that you'd like to share.
Your story can reiterate any funny event from your childhood, as long as embarrassment and hilarity abound. Keep it relatively short, no longer than 2 pages double-spaced.
All submissions must be sent to:
Extra Credit points for including a childhood photo!
The winner will have their story posted and receive the praise and adoration that accompanies the life of a notorious blogger.
Good luck with those repressed memories and we look forward to reading your submissions!


  1. Really? What else could be more important than letting us be humored by your childhood stories? I am upset...
